This article was first published in Soul & Spirit Magazine.
They asked the questions, and I gave the answers.

Q: Firstly, what are karmic mechanics? And how can they affect your current life?

A: Karma means that the consequences of everything we do will eventually come back to us. This is not to punish, but to teach. Our karma works with us, not against us. Its purpose is to move us towards lives of greater joy and enlightenment.

For example, a young soul may use power in tyrannical ways. In subsequent lifetimes, this oppressor becomes the oppressed to understand how he affected others. Later on, he may decide to stand up for the pearls in shell 2 gglrights of downtrodden people. Many people have done wonderful work in the world because of this kind of karma. It’s like the grit in the oyster shell that produces the pearl.

Although karma is mainly about actions, harshly judgemental attitudes can also have karmic consequences. Someone who is heavily prejudiced against any group of people will one day find themselves reincarnated as part of that group. The purpose of this is to get them to drop their prejudices and learn to accept different kinds of people.

Karma also works to change negative illusions. For example, someone who believes they are worthless may find fate pushing them to do something that will bring a healthier sense of self-worth. Or someone who incarnates with a lot of arrogance from a previous life may inherit the karma of having to live in very humble circumstances.

However, not every difficulty, challenge or limitation in life is the result of ‘bad karma’. There are all kinds of different reasons why souls choose those experiences, so it’s best never to make glib assumptions about them.

Q: What are the signs that you are experiencing a karmic connection with someone? How can we become more aware of these signs?

A: Most of our karmic connections are with the people who are closest to us – family, partners and lifelong friends. When those relationships are happy, it means you’ve had a good history together.

Nearly everyone can think of at least one person who’s always been there for them – always on their side, come what may. This is the sign of a gold star karmic connection.

people joining handsOther good karmic connections are those people who come into your life – perhaps only for a short time – and have a good effect in some way. Of course, you can find yourself doing the same for others. These are also signs of good karmic connections.

On the other hand, long-term problems with someone who’s hard to get away from is a sure sign of a karmic issue that needs to be sorted out.

Q: Why are we drawn to our karmic connections? What purpose do they hold in our lives?

A: Before incarnating, in the between-life worlds, we decide which issues we’re going to deal with in the life to come. We then make soul contracts with the others who will be involved. Once we’re here again, our lives will then inevitably pull us towards those very people.

The best way to handle these fateful relationships is to remember that all our karmic dramas are a journey towards finding real love – i.e. healthy, happy balanced relationships based on mutual acceptance and respect.

This doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to be ‘nice’ all the time. Sometimes karma pushes us into standing up for ourselves, or drawing clear boundaries.

For example, in a previous life an older woman bullied one of my clients very badly. She hadn’t resolved the issue in that life, so in this life the same relationship began to play out. Once she understood that, she realised she had to be brave this time around, and reclaim her self-worth.

Q: Are we always fated to meet with people that we have karmic ties with? Are we destined to meet the same soulmate in each lifetime or would it only occur if there were unresolved issues to solve?

A: It’s more fluid than that. All kinds of karmic connections are constantly weaving in and out of our lives. minuetWe aren’t with the same people in every lifetime, and we don’t always have the same relationship with them. It’s a dance of constantly changing roles and partners.

If two people need to sort out a karmic issue, they can wait for a life that will work for both of them. In each lifetime, we don’t give ourselves more than we can reasonably handle.

Q: Would you be able to give us one example of a karmic situation that you, or one of your clients, have encountered? If it was a negative experience, how was it resolved?

A: During a regression, one of my clients went back to a Native American life. It was when white people Red Indian Silhouettewere starting to take over the land. In that life, she was a warrior. He was very angry with the invaders. But he refused to slip into negativity and victimhood. Instead, he held onto the belief that whatever happened, the gods would always bless his people with lives of abundance and spirituality.

That choice made a huge difference to her in this lifetime. She was born into circumstances that made it easy for her to follow her spiritual path, without any financial problems.

This is how we create good karma for ourselves – by choosing to stay positive, whatever challenges life may throw at us.

Q: Apart from past life work, what other therapies will help with karmic issues?

A: The body often holds onto past life issues. So when you’re sorting out those problems, it helps to have a physical therapy such as reflexology, acupuncture or aromatherapy massage.

Beliefs and attitudes that affect our karma often lodge in our auras and astral bodies. When you’re working on yourself at that level, therapies like Reiki, Shiatsu or sound healing can all help.

Ancient Indian wisdom says that meditation and yoga are excellent ways to reduce bad karma. I’m sure yoga classthat’s also true of Tai Chi and Chi Kung. These practices raise your vibration, which clears away all kinds of negativity.

The best way to find a good therapy for karmic issues is to follow your heart, and pick whichever one feels right for you.

Q: Finally, do you have a particular exercise that you would recommend for cutting negative karmic ties?

The best way to cut negative ties is to forgive the other person for any wrong they may have done you in this or any other life. This will not change them or erase the past – but it will release you from its effects.

Resentment, anger and vengeance create binding karmic ties that guarantee lifetimes of unpleasantness. Forgiveness just means letting go of the whole issue. When you do that, it also lets go of you.

lantern girlThe following three steps will also cut through negative karmic ties:

1. When a problem comes, accept what’s happening as a form of karma – even if you can’t understand why at first.

2. Treat it as a test to see if you’ll choose a positive over a negative reaction.

3. Ask your higher guidance what this has come to show you, and what the lesson is.

Karma is a wise law that works to push us slowly but surely onto more positive, loving and happier paths. With that as your guiding light, your pathways through the world of karma will always be good.


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dianaAs a past life therapist I’ve noticed a trend developing in recent years: the healing of past life wounds to the feminine side of our nature.

This applies to men as well as women. Because we experience both male and female lives, men also have wounds to their yin side. However, while some men do become aware of this, it’s more usual for this kind of issue to come up for healing during a female life.

Women now have freedoms which they haven’t had for centuries. New doors are opening that were always firmly shut before.

Despite this, many feel that an invisible chain is still somehow holding them back. That chain often turns out to be an experience in a former lifetime, which attacked or oppressed their female nature.

The good news is these wounds can be healed. Just unearthing those memories from the subconscious removes the power they once had over us. While it’s still unconscious, a negative memory will constantly whisper fearful messages to us. This influences our choices and decisions in ways that are difficult to trace at the time. As Professor Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”.

This may be what the story of Rumpelstiltskin was really about. Many mythology and fairy tales are now turning out to have deeper meanings, which we’re only just beginning to rediscover. In the tale of mad wizardRumpelstiltskin, when people didn’t know his name he had power over them. But as soon as they guessed his name, he lost that power. I think this stands for the control our subconscious fears have over us until we identify them.

Facing these issues brings all kinds of positive changes in how people feel about themselves; their whole approach to life; and ultimately, the kind of future that then becomes available to them.

When a significant number of people transform themselves like this, it resonates through the mass psyche like a gong. As a result, the inner pathways that individuals have forged remain there for others to use more easily. Hopefully this will eventually heal the wounds to the divine feminine for everyone. When that happens, this kind of personal problem will then fade into history.

In the meantime however, there is still work to be done. Some common themes have emerged, which often interweave together in a past life memory. They are:

~~Running away from oppression~~
~~Problems about speaking out~~
~~Gynaecological problems~~
~~Fears about reclaiming old powers~~

Hilary had insomnia for years. Nothing she tried made any difference. She was also kept awake by ‘restless legs’ – a creeping feeling in the legs that’s only relieved by constantly moving them.

Her regression took her back to the middle ages. She was running away from an arranged marriage with a man she heartily disliked. For the rest of that life she had to keep moving on, forever looking over her shoulder.

Unconscious memories often lodge in the body. While she remained unaware of it, Hilary’s legs expressed her desperation to keep running. Once she understood those fears, they lost their power over her. From that day on, her insomnia and restless legs disappeared. She said it made the most wonderful difference to her life.

(NB: Like all the names of my clients in this article, ‘Hilary’ is a pseudonym.)

maiden in forestWomen have fled from more than just oppressive marriages. Penny recalled a life many hundreds of years ago, when she escaped from a sheltered spiritual community. It was Christian in a mystical way, run by a charismatic male guru figure. After a while, she realised how much he was draining personal power from her and the other women there.

One day she made a big decision. She changed her distinctive robes for ordinary clothes and quietly slipped away. She sensed that the man in charge knew what she was doing – he had that much psychic power.

Eventually she found a place of refuge. But she never felt completely safe. She was always aware of male energy from the first centre circling around her, watching for a chance to get her back.

After the regression, Penny said she now understood why she’d spent this life always moving on. A pattern of constantly moving from one place to another is often a sign of past life fear of pursuit. It takes courage to stop, turn and face the fear that seems to stalk us. But when we do, that fear withers away.

Many women today struggle with a throat chakra that has shut down because of all the lives when they had to keep quiet. Maddie recalled a life in Victorian England. She was 18 years old, and married to a man she feared. She said she was ‘just someone who has to keep quiet all the time’.

It all came to a head when one day he put her into a carriage to send her somewhere she did not want to go. It was too difficult for her to recall what that place would have been. With her back to the wall, she finally spoke up. She ordered the carriage to head as fast as possible to her parents’ home. They received her warmly, and she felt safe again.

After a while she found another, more loving man. But in the end, her husband tracked her down – and strangled her. After the regression, Maddie said she could see where her strange fear of speaking out had come from.

This theme of women experiencing a stranglehold on their voices – sometimes literally – runs through many of the past life experiences that are now coming up for healing. While everyone’s experiences are unique, the effect is much the same for all – feeling unconfident, even fearful, about speaking out in any way. Often this issue comes up because that is the very thing they need to do to move ahead on their path.

For example, Jayne had a lifelong terror of talking in public. She had a talent for teaching, and longed to make that her career. But this fear made it difficult for her even to consider it.

In her regression, she went back to a time when she was about twelve years old. She was facing a jeering, hostile crowd that was accusing her of witchcraft. She had no idea what they were on about. When she tried to explain her innocence, that only made it worse.

This experience created a fear of crowds – especially if she had to talk to them. Once she realised where that had come from, she was able to shake it off. I believe she’s now happily following her calling to be a teacher.

The different parts of our bodies symbolise aspects of our psyche. Past life wounds to the feminine side of our nature are therefore often held in the female parts. This can manifest in a wide variety of problems, from difficult periods to breast cancer.

For example, Jenny told me that her doctor was advising her to have ‘pre-cancerous’ cells surgically cut from her uterus. She felt sure this would repeat a past life cutting in that area – and therefore not be for her highest good. We discussed the whole issue, including the possibility that if she intends it, the operation might heal what happened in the past. When she left, she was still thinking about what decision to make.

An even more graphic example came from Terri, who came to see me quite recently. She explained that she had a semi-cancerous condition in her vagina – part of which had been surgically removed. Although this malaise was dormant most of the time, the doctors told her it would always be there in the background and could flare up at any time.

water-jar-in-sand-stormTerri came for past life therapy as part of her wide search to cure this. In her regression, she went back to a barren, desolate place of mud huts. In that life, she was an African girl of about eight years old. She could hear other girls screaming, and felt afraid.

Then a scrawny old woman came after her. She bundled the child under her arm and took her, kicking and screaming, to the place of fear.

In that hut, Terri said she saw blood on the floor. One dirty cloth was used for everything. Then she remembered great pain, and her body going into deep shock.

She had undergone female genital mutilation – and died of the side effects not long afterwards. Because she never recovered from the trauma in that life, the effect on her psyche was magnified. The memory was still so strong that her body was finding ways to replicate it with the cancerous condition.

In the second part of the regression, when she communicated with a spirit guide, Terri learned that this experience had been part of her soul contract. At first, this appalled her. How could she have agreed to go through something like that? Her guide showed her how it would now bring her great inner strength and a flowering of consciousness that would otherwise have taken many more lifetimes. By the end of the session, she was feeling happy and positive about both the past and the future.

At a very deep level within the mass psyche, the cutting away of female parts is a symbolic expression of humankind’s fear of its female side. This could partly come from racial memories of much earlier times when matriarchal societies could also be brutal and unjust. Hopefully the inner work that so many are now doing will eventually help to heal these underlying issues.

I think all women have the innate gift of some form of intuitive, psychic or healing power. In the recent patriarchal age, those abilities were so persecuted they had to go underground. Most women decided it was safer to forget about all that and taught their daughters to do the same. It looks like the wheel is now turning, as many women are now starting to reclaim their natural abilities. This doesn’t happen easily however, as old fears still get in the way.

History tells us about the burning of the witches. However, this was only one way in which female powers were victimised. So-called friends and neighbours could be just as oppressive.

auld witchGerrie recalled that in a former life as an old widow, the only way to support herself was to make herbal remedies. She’d developed them to keep her children well while they were growing up. So her potions worked, and many people came to her for them.

Despite that, others in her village hated what she was doing. They made that clear by treating her like an outcast. When she went out, they’d spit and throw things at her.

Another of my clients in a similar situation said that when she tried to sell her remedies at a fair, other women came and trampled all her precious oils into the ground.

These experiences can be deeply disheartening, creating fears that stay with us for lifetimes. Now, when those women try to do the work they love and believe in, an old fear blocks their way like a fierce guard. Understanding the fear is like finding the magic password, which gets the guard to step aside.

However dark the world may be at times, there are always little patches where women have been able to walk a sunlit path, left alone by oppressive forces. Many recall past lives when they could safely use their higher abilities to help others, such as:

• The priestesses of Ancient Egypt. That civilisation lasted so long – at least 3,000 years – that it’s not Egypt Priestesssurprising many of us had past lives there. In those days, women enjoyed more equal rights than they ever saw again until recent times. People who remember their Egyptian priestess lives all say they had a spiritual authority that was respected by all.

• As healers in small communities which accepted and supported them. This kind of life flowered most often in the tribal societies of North and South America. However, it could also take place in many other times and places – even tucked away in quiet corners of the medieval world.

• As visionaries and seers. These lives were mostly in the ancient world before the rise of Roman power. In those days, it was still acceptable for the Mystery Schools to initiate women for training in the use of their psychic abilities.

• In Atlantean times. The great civilisations that came before our recorded history were more advanced than anything we have seen since. This included the status of women and the kind of abilities they had. Those worlds had a highly developed knowledge of things we are only just beginning to rediscover – such as the many uses of crystals, levitation, sonics and conscious astral travel.

No past life ability is ever lost. It’s easy to re-learn old skills, because we never really forget them. These memories also remind us of the safe and happy lives when women used powers long since forbidden to them. Recalling these times shows us how that way of life was once possible – and therefore could be again.

Another hidden but positive influence are the powerful soul groups that have been incarnating here for the last hundred years.

Around the beginning of the 20th century, a warlock called George Pickingill received an important message from the inner planes. He learned that in the years to come, a large group of priestesses from Ancient Greece would incarnate in England.

Their purpose was to promote female empowerment, starting with the esoteric societies. Pickingill’s job was to change the balance of that male-dominated world. He set to work re-drafting many of the old magical rituals and practices to bring in more sexual equality.

In his time, he was greatly influential in occult circles – so the changes he set in motion went ahead. This created a strong foundation for the future of women’s empowerment in the world of mysticism and magic.

In 1951, the British Government finally repealed the Witchcraft Act. After centuries, it was no longer illegal to be a witch. A few years later, Gerald Gardner published his best-selling book Witchcraft Today. This persuaded the public that witchcraft was a force for good – a positive way of working with the natural powers of earth and the seasons. Because of these gradual developments, it is now much safer for women to reclaim their higher powers.

balanceOther soul groups have also incarnated with this kind of clear purpose. In the 1920s, the seer Edgar Cayce said that in the second half of the twentieth century, many Atlanteans would reincarnate in America. They would come with the purpose of bringing ancient higher technology back to the world; and to fight for sexual and racial equality. Looking back on the civil rights and hippie movements, it looks like Cayce’s prophecy came true.

Groups no doubt still continue to incarnate together. They bring the power of their intent with the strength that comes from a united group. Even if they are scattered through the world, they meet on the other planes through meditation or dreams.

In the past, local groups sometimes formed because of these inner connections. They usually had to be secret – or at least highly exclusive – because the majority of people around them would not understand.

Fortunately, the worst of those times are now past. Perhaps thanks to that Atlantean technology we now have many new ways to connect with our soul groups. The internet makes it easy to find others of our tribe. Conferences, workshops and talks are another modern way to meet with like-minded people.

I feel confident that both individuals and groups are making huge progress healing old wounds to the yin side of human consciousness. Ultimately, this will restore the divine feminine archetype – the goddess – to full health and power again. When that happens, the world will be a softer, saner and happier place for everyone – whatever their gender may be.

I’d love to hear about your own experiences on this path. You’re welcome to either add your comments to this article, or if you’d prefer to talk more privately, just contact me – I’m always happy to hear from you.

This article was first published in THE GODDESS PAGES


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